Dare to dress with a flower.

The special elegance to wear a single flower gives more personality to your costume.
To be clearly or more discreetly – a dandy- is a poetic statement in a demanding and super efficient world.
Do not let life run out without at least once wearing a flower…
Not all materials supports a pin that might break the threads, but most costumes and jackets of quality hides a lapel button hole and a boutonniere latch on the left jacket lapel.
The button hole to slide the flower and the latch to keep it secure and up-right.
So, no excuse. Wear it with confidence !

Each flower is carefully elaborated and stitched by hand. It is one of a kind.
Anita Matell * FLORÈS takes the challenge to make the flower that is missing in your wardrobe.

Anita Matell * FLORÈS reserves the rare pieces of Japanese silk for the création of original lapel pins and boutonnieres. On request.
